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No Location Price No Location Price
1 Bath £185 22 Lancaster £390
2 Birmingham £175 23 Leeds £330
3 Bournemouth £125 24 Leicester £200
4 Brighton £80 25 Liverpool £390
5 Bristol £195 26 London £15~50
6 Cambridge £125 27 Manchester £350
7 Canterbury £105 28 New Castle £460
8 Cardiff £235 29 Norwich £240
9 Cheltenham £195 30 Nottingham £200
10 Chester £330 31 Oxford £100
11 Chesterfield £265 32 Plymouth £330
12 Colchester £120 33 Reading £80
13 Coventry £165 34 Sheffield £330
14 Crawley £70 35 Swindon £130
15 Durham £400 36 Southampton £100
16 Eastbourne £100 37 Stafford £240
17 Edinburgh £780 38 Telford £250
18 Exeter £330 39 Worcester £210
19 Guildford £40 40 York £390
20 Harlow £90 41 Woking 55
21 Kings lynn £200